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祝贺张雪洁等同学的文章被Separation and Purification Technology.接受发表!

2024年09月14日 15:02  点击:[]

Tri-functional carbon membrane for one-step uptake of low-concentration hydrogen to high purity


    The uptake of hydrogen (H2) from natural gas pipelines (CH4) through membrane separation technology is an efficient avenue of obtaining H2 resources. Carbon membranes have the potential to be an attractive option for energy-efficient gas separations in the next generation of membranes due to their precise molecular discrimination ability and easy scalability. Here, we report a carbon membrane composed of a mesoporous substrate, seed layer and sieving layer, achieving a one-step uptake with 55.3×10-9 mol·m-2·s-1Pa-1permeance and a separation factor for H2/CH4of 359.1 by feeding hydrogen (20 vol%). As revealed by the kinetic diffusion experiment, H2 is transported in mesoporous substrate via Knudsen flow, differing from the transition flow taken by CH4, thus H2 diffusion rates exceed CH4 by an order of magnitude, which substantially increased H2 purity from 20 vol% to higher purity as gas mixtures passed through the substrate. Then, the H2 passed through the seed layer and sieving layer, resulting in a final H2 purity of ~99 vol%, a sharp increase from the initial low concentration. This carbon membrane integrates three functions of capture, pre-separation and purification into one material and provides a new solution for the uptake of H2 from CH4.

下一条:祝贺郑哲等同学的文章被Nature Communications.接受发表!


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