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祝贺侯璐等同学的文章被Small Methods.接受发表!

2024年08月08日 10:20  点击:[]

Multiscale tunable nanorings based on bi-component micellar-configuration-transformation induced by hydrophobicity


    Ringy nanostructures are of amazing materials, displaying unique optical, magnetic, and electronic properties highly related to their dimensions. A strategy capable of continuously tailoring the diameter of nanorings is the key to elucidating their structure-function relationship. Herein, we establish a method of bi-component micellar-configuration-transformation induced by hydrophobicity for the synthesis of nanorings with diameters ranging from submicron (~143 nm) to micron (~4.8 μm) and their carbonaceous analogues. Remarkably, the nanorings fabricated with this liquid phase strategy achieve the record for the largest diameter span. Through varying the molecular lengths of fatty alcohols and PEO-PPO-PEO copolymers, we show that shortening the molecular length of fatty alcohol can swell the primary micelles, improve the exposure of hydrophobic component and boost the assembly kinetics for ultra-large nanorings. On the other hand, shortening the molecular length of copolymer would give rise to ultra-small nanorings through reducing the size of primary micelles and shortening the assembly time. When assembling the nanorings into monolayer arrays and then depositing Au, such substrate displays enhanced surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) performance. This research develops a facile method for the controllable synthesis of ringy materials with multiscale tunable diameters and may inspire more interesting applications in physics, optical and sensors.

上一条:祝贺吴凡等同学的文章被Powder Technology.接受发表! 下一条:祝贺王永胜等同学的文章被Separation and Purification Technology.接受发表!


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